This post is to help myself remember and understand Neural Networks better, especially the back propagation algorithm. I followed the content in [1] to clear all the concepts. If you are reading this, I expect that you have some knowledge about Machine Learning and Optimisation and I strongly recommend the following two videos and please refer to [1] for the basics. (I found that it is unwise to build a new wheel if there is a good one already available! But to enhance the understanding, we would try coding all the details.)

Neural Network: Basics

Neural Network: Back Propagation

It is highly recommended that you could watch the whole series of the neural network essence to get a solid idea about how neural networks work.

Some Questions:

The first thing to ask is why do we need Neural Networks? Basically, a neural network is a function approximator that takes certain inputs and gives us outputs. Although there are currently various ways of using a neural network, the main purpose of designing a neural network is to identify a function that could fit the observed data well. Compare to other models, Neural Networks are very general and are said to be capable of approximating all kinds of functions.

Are Neural Networks really that great in approximating functions? Generally, it is not bad. One could check Google Neural Network Playground to see its performance in small datasets. However, for a specific problem, the utilisation of a neural network may not be the best choice. A simplest example would be designing a XOR function, in which case you don’t want to use neural network because you could implement XOR with a conditional function. Nevertheless, a neural network can definitely approximate XOR function regardless of the verbose neural network architecture and training process.

Is a neural network with a single neuron able to approximate an XOR function? The answer is YES if we allow complex activation functions. Basically, Neural Networks are able to identify non-linear transformations from inputs to outputs with non-linear activation functions. An activation function that complex enough would be able to find us a way to approximate XOR. However, from the standpoint of a general model that are to fit all different types of functions, using a single neuron with complex activation function to achieve function approximation is not a good choice:

  • the activation function may be not differentiable, which hinders the training of the Neural Networks;
  • the use of a single neuron limits the benefit of automatic feature engineering, i.e, non-linear transformation of data.

These above benefits are critical in implementing Neural Networks for solving various problems. To maintain these benefits, typically people would recommend use a large number of layers to enhance the capability of Neural Networks in function approximation, which leads to Deep Neural Networks.


[1] Andrew Ng, Sparse Autoencoder, CS294A Lecture Notes, 2011.

[2] L. Ruff, N. Görnitz, L Deecke, S. A. Siddiqui, R. A. Vandermeulen, A. Binder, E. Muller, M. Kloft, Deep One-Class Classification, ICML, 2018.